Our Vision:

To be a Christ Centered, biblically literate, loving, and compassionate community that is committed to serving others.

To Achieve this Vision We Will:

  • Live Boldly
  • Worship Passionately
  • Grow Intentionally
  • Serve Willingly
  • Give Generously



Following in the pattern of Jesus, we will unashamedly share the good news of the kingdom through the witness of our lives and by inviting people to come alongside us in the journey of faith. 


Our worship life is the center of what we do as a community. It encourages us and empowers us for all the other work of our faith. We will invest our whole selves in the worship of God as we seek to live in the presence of God. 


To be a follower of Jesus means to learn his ways and mold ourselves into his image. We will intentionally undertake those practices that will help us grow in our faith and become mature in Christ. 


Jesus did not account equality with God as something to hold onto. Instead, he emptied himself and became a servant. We will take up this servant mindset of Jesus and serve those in need with open and willing hearts wherever we might find them.


Everything that we have is a gift from our loving God. In thankful response to the provision of God, we will give generously of ourselves and our resources to the work of God in the world.